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Four - Bait

Gorg and Uthal were nominated for rowing duties, each taking shifts throughout the course of the day and making excellent progress. For the first few nights, the rowing even continued through the night as the canoe circumnavigated the shoreline and headed for the mouth of the river. During the day, the occasional sign of life was glimpsed in the foliage closest to the shore, most concerning of which were the vines that, with no apparent warning, sprang to life and ensnared their prey; hoisting them up to the canopy.

Reksus tried his hand at spear fishing with his rapier, to moderate success. Garth made attempts in his own style, summoning ethereal, skeletal hands to seize the catch from the very waters; although not too many more fish seemed to linger following this display.

On one night in particular, those on watch were following the silhouettes of the ships making their way to and from Port Nyanzaru, when an enormous shape rose from the waters, dwarfing the nearby vessel. The shape lingered for a time before sinking back to the depths. The party had heard tell of this creature and Azaka would confirm the sighting in the morning; this was Aramag, the great Dragon Turtle that lurked in the waters of Chult, ambushing the shipping lanes and ransoming them for their freedom. Those that paid enough coin were allowed to sail on, those that did not, or could not, were made examples of.

Fortunately, the tiny canoe was unlikely to attract his attention.

Days and nights went by and the group began passing the time sharing a little about themselves. Reksus questioned Garth on how he had seemed to have changed in the year since they last met as the man he remembered was a peaceful Cleric, devout to Milil, the god of song and poetry, full of light and joy; A little different to the pale embodiment of death before him.

In return, Garth recounted his side of the last time they met:

The pair had been working together on various archaeological digs for around a year and become fast friends due to their shared love of history. Upon the day in question, Reksus had brought Garth information on a hidden cave system that was said to contain great treasures. They hastened to pull together a dig team and set off for the site immediately. However, not long after arriving at the cave entrance, armed men ambushed the team and they were scattered into the caves.

Garth recounted the fear he felt as he flew through the pitch black labyrinth, certain he would die; that's when the screaming began. It was clear to Garth that some entity lurked in the darkness around them and was, one by one, slaughtering his friends. Desperate to escape, Garth found himself hiding in a large chamber. This was when his savior, Myrkul, appeared to him and led him to safety. Hence forth, Garth would be servant to the Lord of Bones.

Reksus shared his side of the tale:

The armed men were in fact members of the royal guard, tasked with the protection of this cave system which was in fact a tomb, already claimed for archaeological purposes; Reksus and Garth were trespassing. It transpired that the pair's long time rival, Waterdeep Jones, had been the information source for the dig site and had betrayed them to the royal guard.

While the rest of the team escaped into the tunnels, Reksus had been arrested and taken away to be jailed; he of course escaped at a later date.

The group's attention next turned to Uthal. Not much was revealed by the stony faced Goliath; only that he grew up in captivity in Baldur's Gate until, as he grew stronger in his later years, he made an attempt to escape and eventually fighting his way free. Reksus and Gorg nodded along at the brief insight into their companion's past, however Garth's expression turned to that of confusion as he ran over some of the details in his head...

At last, the party sighted the mouth to the River Tiryki, and the vessel made it's turn south and passed into the waterway. It was approaching dusk, so the canoe was beached and dragged a little inland; camp would be made away from the water body, as it was likely to attract predators in the night.

Night drew on.

Azaka's watch passed without incident and she woke Gorg for his shift; there were a handful of Zorbos (small, bear like creatures) watching the camp from the trees, but no major concerns.

Gorg clocked the Zorbos and waved. The Zorbos waved back. Highly amused at this exchange, Gorg spent quite some time making various gestures and watching as the creatures mimicked.

Thirty minutes or so passed and the Zorbos' attention shifted to the space behind Gorg; the one closest to him raising a finger, pointing into the darkness behind him. Gorg turned in time to witness a set of jaws hurtling through the air towards his throat. He batted what became apparent as a large, snake-like creature away with his shield and bellowed the danger to the campsite. Azaka and Uthal woke in time to see a second creature lurch for Uthal's legs; who swiped at them with his great axe. Garth emerged from his tent, seconds later; although the human was relatively useless in the pitch darkness. Reksus remained in a peaceful slumber.

Those conscious battled the creatures until, eventually, the commotion rose Dandyman who burst from his tent firing bolts of light at the beasts; curiously Divine spells for a Bard.

A minute later and the battle was won. Wounds were licked and the party returned to their beds; all but Reksus who stayed up for the final watch of the night. Dawn broke and the travelers set off once more.

A little way through the second day, Azaka pointed out a column of flames, atop a rocky spire in the distance; the Firefinger was close. It was decided that the canoe would be used only for the first half of the following day, the river would be far too open as they approached the Pterafolk patrols.

So, as agreed, when the sun was highest in the sky the following day, the canoe was dragged ashore and hidden among some foliage. Garth carved a small mark of Myrkul in a tree to mark the location, but as Garth moved away, Reksus took a blade to the tiny skull, with the apparent intention of defacing the holy symbol...


The powerful voice boomed from the delicate Cleric, who watched as Reksus slowly sheathed the dagger and retreated a few paces. Garth moved silently into the jungle.

The Firefinger was reached in the late afternoon. Following a brief discussion, it was agreed they would wait until nightfall before attempting to ascend the tower; the cover of night would hopefully aid their stealthy approach. Additionally, the party would be tied together; Garth, Reksus and Azaka in one string. Gorg and Uthal in another. Should any single member be flung from the tower, there was at least a chance those tied to them could catch them before making fast acquaintance with the ground.


The party emerged from the tree line and began making for the base of the spire. Almost immediately, those with darkvision witnessed a body strike the ground and flatten before them; although everybody heard the scream. Scuttling a little faster now, the team quickly found a ladder about the back of the rock. After one or two initial slips, everybody made their way up around 80 feet to an opening in the rock.

At Garth's request, Reksus cast light upon his flail so that he could see into the dark cave; a narrow tunnel emerged to his right and a shallow pit to his left. Across the pit it appeared there was another small passage. Following a quick discussion, Garth lowered the brightly coloured, feathered, flamboyant Bard down into the pit on the rope.

Barely a moment after touching down and Reksus was engulfed in four enormous wolf spiders. The party watched in horror as fangs pierced his flesh and he crumpled to floor; unconscious, yet strangely rigid.

Hell and fury were thrown at the spiders until, one by one, they fell to the warriors. Garth dropped beside his motionless friend and charged him with the divine energy of Myrkul.

Reksus gasped into consciousness and slapped Garth in the face. Perhaps Reksus should not go first next time.

One by one, they hopped into the pit and climbed up to the passageway; in which they found a chimney leading up to the second level. Using Uthal as a climbing frame (who at this point was at a half stoop in the low cave), the party climbed up the chimney. Another small cave with a tunnel leading out and fresh air could be sensed coming from before them. Gorg and Garth cautiously shimmied out into the next opening, but it was no use. Large, flying, insect-like creatures swooped down and latched them selves onto Gorg's beefy frame; their long proboscis' piercing his skin and draining his blood. While they were many, the insects fell with ease and the party made short work of them as the last was swatted from the air.

A seemingly simple encounter, until a good look at Gorg told the rest that his sweet life force had been a fantastic distraction for the beasts and he was in fact barely conscious; Garth, again, quickly administered divine aid, bringing Gorg up to a healthier state.

They were battered, bruised, and much arcane power had already been spent. But there was no turning back now.


©2017 Raucous and Repose

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