Fort Beluarian was large and well fortified. Sentries could be spotted on the ramparts and patrolling the perimeter. As they approached, Uthal noticed a large mound of rotting humanoid corpses to the base of the walls; a handful of which had a glowing, blue triangular symbol emblazoned on their foreheads.
The gate was flanked by two armed representatives of the Flaming Fists. The party approached and explained their desire to obtain a Charter of Expedition. The sentries remained guarded, until they recognised Azaka, who was clearly well known to them. Entry was permitted and the group was advised to seek out Commander Liara Porter, who had to authority to approve the Charters.
Approaching the main keep, another guard confirmed Liara was inside, however second in command, Gruta, also had the ability to issue Charters; she was currently at the corral. Not wanting to hassle the Commander with a trivial matter, the group turned back to seek out Gruta. Following a brief discussion, and some not so subtle flirting in the direction of Reksus, Gruta confirmed that she could issue the Charter, but the party would first require sign off from Liara Porter...
Back to the keep...
Liara was pointed out by an elderly barkeep in the tavern area situated within the keep itself. She explained to the party the conditions of the charter:
The document would permit bearers to traverse the areas of the jungle which were deemed to be the territory of the Flaming Fists, without interference from it's representatives. Failure to produce a Charter at request whilst within these regions would have significant consequences. Furthermore, as these regions were considered the property of the Flaming Fists, 20% in coin value of any treasures recovered from the land must be paid as tribute. Members of the Fists who are patrolling the jungles will take stock of all items recovered from expeditions in progress, should they meet en route; so as to ensure honesty in the reporting of goods.
A potentially steep price, but a necessity. It was agreed. Liara informed the party that they should seek out her second in command, Gruta; she would issue the Charter.
Back again...
Gruta was met en route to the corral and she confirmed she would write up the party's charter, ready for issue in the morning. For the time being, they were welcome to enjoy themselves in the tavern and stay the night in the keep. Gladly accepted, the party turned to make their way back inside, not before Gruta extended an invitation to Reksus to find her later that evening. For once, the Bard had few words for the situation and scurried off towards the bar.
A brief discussion was held regarding the current supply levels and what would be required for the journey ahead, until they were abruptly interrupted by a wasted dwarf...
Garth, who's limited social skills were completed overwhelmed by the encounter, swiftly handed over all the meat rations that had been harvested; much to the Dwarf's delight, as he stumbled away, chewing as he went.
More rations would be purchased in the morning.
At this time, Azaka hobbled over and leaned heavily on Gorg and Uthal; she had clearly been enjoying the hospitality. Gorg, of course, seized the opportunity to challenge the Chultian to an arm wrestle. She accepted, but refused to bet any coin on the outcome; she was not fond of gambling.
Gorg overpowered the intoxicated Chultian with ease.
Azaka, seemingly determined to redeem herself, demanded a rematch and this time for coin; delighting most of the party as all threw in their stakes. However, left arms would be used this time around, as her right arm was spent.
Fists locked and Azaka's eyes burned. Her grip tightened and her arm muscles seemed to swell with power...
Gorg's arm was practically put through the table.
Azaka stood up proudly, now perfectly composed, swiped her winnings and flashed a grin to the group before striding off to rejoin her friends.
Eventually, the energy lulled and all settled down for a nights rest.
Dawn broke and the party set about procuring supplies from the local traders. One in particular came highly recommended, an entrepreneur named Lohsi.
Imagine, if you will, the sensation of falling into quicksand; trapped and helpless, the more you fight, the more energy you expend and the faster you sink.
Now consider, as you struggle for your life, the heavens open and torrential rain pounds relentlessly upon the parts of your person that are yet to succumb to the sinking sands.
Your mind and soul must fight for it's sanity under such unforgiving torment.
Similar feelings, it could be said, may be experienced during a conversation with Lohsi.
The man was unyielding in his salesmanship, making offers for every item in his stock; particularly fish. Each member of the party attempted to interject, failing in succession; Reksus fairing the worst as the exchange turned sour and the pair flung insults at eachother. He eventually retreated as Lohsi called after him, making use of his new favoured nickname for the flamboyant Bard - Dandyman.
In a desperate attempt to halt the barrage, Garth cast a minor cantrip upon his own voice; booming it to the high heavens and finally stopping the merchant in his tracks. They made haste to purchase what was needed, including a canoe which would bear the party on towards their next destination.
Gruta caught Reksus as the party made preparations to leave; she had the Charter of Expedition, which required a signature. Naturally, Reksus signed Garth's name.
Gruta, it seems, was also disappointed that Reksus failed to find her chambers the night before ; she missed her Dandyman (Lohsi worked fast...), although the invitation still stood should he find himself in Fort Beluarian again soon.
Guarding the docks was none other than the dwarven axebeak lover himself. After fending off more requests for the meat, the party explained that a canoe had been purchased from Lohsi, although apparently no documentation had been provided to prove this.
In determination not to return to the merchant, Reksus slipped a bribe to the dwarf and the party cast off. Their destination was the Firefinger - an ancient magical beacon, deep in the jungle.
Azaka's quest, which the party had agreed to assist upon so as to receive Azaka's guide services free of charge, was to recover an old family heirloom; a wooden mask of magical properties that allowed its wearer to commune with animals.
This mask was held there by a group of Pterafolk, who had slain Azaka's family years ago and taken the heirloom as their prize.
The quest would be dangerous and so would the journey - particularly in the times of the Death Curse.